Jan Coutts
Please enquire for works by Jan - linda@thebarefootgallery.com
Jan came to London from New Zealand In the early 90's. Shortly after she travelled to the Serengeti/Ngorongoro Conservation area, Tanzania and has been deeply inspired ever since. Her association with the continent of Africa now extends over numerous visits and many years.
Viv Levy, MA RCA says of Jan's work: ‘The materials used on these canvases works to compliment the movement of the subjects. Some of the images are almost entirely obscured, and yet we still sense rustling in the bush. The beasts in these paintings are as elusive on canvas as they are in their natural habitat, their journeys are mapped by eroded patches of gold, silver and bronze leaf, their landscapes are cracked by layers of oil paint, glazes and resin as if they had been literally baked by the African sun.’
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